This week

May 3-7

have a good week and study hard its almost over






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Visit SHPE National

SHPE UA is in association with the University of Arizona College of Engineering

Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math and Science

The Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math and Science (AHETEMS) Foundation.(pronounced a-teams) is an independent 501(c)(3) working exclusively to develop educational enrichment and academic outreach initiatives, for Latinos/as, that extend throughout the pre-college to PhD pathway.


Established in March 2004 as an independent 501(c)(3), the Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math and Science (AHETEMS) Foundation has been working exclusively to develop educational enrichment and academic outreach initiatives, for Latinos/as, that extend throughout the pre-college to PhD pathway.

Funding for AHETEMS initiatives is derived from various federal, state, local and private grants and private tax-deductible donations.
The AHETEMS Foundation is responsible for informing the public about technical careers, internships and educational opportunities; maintaining educational centers; and promoting the interest of students and professionals in educational and charitable pursuits.

The AHETEMS Foundation has acquired a broad-based consistency for educational enrichment, recruitment and retention programs throughout the country, but each university’s activities are unique and are supported by local SHPE chapters. The AHETEMS educational programs are organized into three areas:
-Pre-College Programs
-Undergraduate Programs
-Graduate Programs

To Find Out More About AHETEMS, please visit their official website by clicking HERE